Gabriel Peña Tijerina
Monterrey, 1979. Professor, artist and architect by Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, masters in collective housing at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. P.h.D. candidate at Concordia University Montreal. His research “After transparency / The sensorial, and spatial affects of glass atmospheres” analyzes ways to modify the perception of space and built environment through glass reflection. His work has been shown at Biblioteca de México, Galería 2 CRGS, ETSAM Madrid, Bienal FEMSA XII, and Desai Matta Gallery at San Francisco. Fellow of Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda de Madrid, FONCA Young creators and the National Council of Science and Technology. He has won several awards such as Catedra Luis Barragan, Mitacs Globalink research award and most recently the Italian glass technology award.